FPLC From A to Z
With Super D!
FPLC From A to Z With Super D
Click a letter to learn what Super D has to say about it!
C is for Candle
Why do we use candles?
C is for Communion
What is it?
A is for Amen
Is It Amen or amen?
B is for Baptism
Do YOU need to be baptized again?
B is for Bible
Watch as Super D writes a new Bible—or not!
D is for
Ever wonder what the ELCA is?
M is for Messiah
Do you know the difference between Jesus as Christ, Messiah, and Savior?
O is for Organ
Ever wonder why churches have organs?
P is for Pastor
Super D explains more about Pastors.
P is for Pew
Why do we sit in pews at church?
P is for Prayer
Want to know the best way to pray?
S is for Steeple
Why do churches have steeples?
S is for Sunday School
Why do we go to Sunday School?
V is for Vestments
Super D, please tell us what this means.